Cantaloupe Soup

What's on Cantaloupe Soup?

On this site you can chat with your friends, Become members, and learn how to do amazing pranks,parties, crafts, and more! We would like your feedback to let us know how were doing, or to share your own ideas! You can post a comment on the guestbook, send us an email at [email protected] !

 Meet the Geniuses

Summer: Hi! I live in &*%$@ with my @$#%^*. I have brown hair with a red feather! Yup that's right a FEATHER! I play softball, basketball, volleyball and dance! I love to be out side and i come from a family of weirdos! (not really) I love to be crazy and random with my friend HANNAH! I'm a happy camper most of the time but i do get crabby.

Hannah: Hellllllooooo!!! i am Hannah #$#$ #$#%^! i live in !@$#% with #^$^ and my &%($^*#! BUT i live near SUMMER! i have brown hair with a natural blend of tones and highlights! wow i sound like im in a hair comercial! i have a pink feather!!! i play sofball on summers team and dance! (summer is comming to dance where i do!) my sister Bella generally acts like a dog... i have the attention span of a... 

LUCY: welll..... theres alot to say about lucy. Lucy lives in !@# #$@$ with @$#$#@ and her ^$^# she plays on the same softball team as hannah and summer and lives in the same area. Lucy has Blonde hair and A BLUE FEATHER!!!! she has 3 siblings and is in love with Justin Beiber! She LOVES to be with her best friends SUMMER AND HANNAH!! she loves acting crazy and weird with them. and one more thing is that she had a pet bird named FRED! he is a Budgie! And she has another pet if you count the crazed chipmunk in her garage anyways...EVERYONE LOVES LUCY!
SOPHIE!!: sophie lives in !#*&*(^&^(&@^# and plays tennis, volleyball and soccer. she lives less than 1 min away from hannah! she has beautiful blonde hair that isnt wavy enough for her liking and blue eyes than annoy the crap outta her. she loves taking pictures...of herself, just to see if one will be the perfect profile pic. she has a sister whos name is sophie and looks just like her( not it is not a mirror) she has wayyyy to many blonde moments...and trips over nothing. she has a first aid kit in her room because she walks into walls. she is a smart girl...but sometimes, she wakes up not feelin' to bright.